This is a sample abstract for the conference. Simply copy and paste the contents of your abstract from a Microsoft WORD or a text file such as a LaTeX file. There is more help on the Atlas system once you get to submit an abstract. We will follow the guidelines of the Biometrics and JABES journals where references are included in the text. Some people may like to add keywords at the end, which are also acceptable. The main author will have the email on the production version of the abstracts. Co-authors can be referenced by name and affiliation as per the examples in the Atlas System. You can have equations in LaTeX code such as $$y=\alpha + \beta x+ \epsilon$$ in the abstract but usually equations should be kept to a minimum. A short biography can be inserted at the end or perhaps the URL of your published work. Please try to restrict the abstract to 250 words. The preview window will convert any LaTeX code to readable (format). Registration and abstract submission is scheduled to open on 3 JUNE, 2013. Once you submit the abstract you will get an acknowledgement via an email. The abstracts for contributed talks and poster will appear on-line after the scientific programme has reviewed them and accepted them. We hope to have the accepted abstracts on-line in early November 2013.